Search Results

14185. Female Ward, Spencer State Hospital, Roane County, W. Va.

14186. Male Ward, Spencer State Hospital, Roane County, W. Va.

Rear view of the buildings located at Spencer State Hospital.

14187. Rear View, Spencer State Hospital, Roane County, W. Va.

14188. Front Lawn, Spencer State Hospital, Roane County, W. Va.

View of the ward for the sick male patients at Spencer State Hospital.

14189. Spencer State Hospital, Roane County, W. Va.

View of the storage dam at Spencer State Hospital.

14190. Storage Dam, Spencer State Hospital, Roane County, W. Va.

An interior view of the sun parlor at Spencer State Hospital.

14191. Sun Room, Spencer State Hospital, Roane County, W. Va.

Twenty turkeys for Christmas Dinner at Spencer State Hospital.

14192. Christmas Turkeys, Spencer State Hospital, Roane County, W. Va.

Exterior view of the barn at Spencer State Hospital.

14193. Barn, Spencer State Hospital, Roane County, W. Va.

Front view of the new Psycopathic Building at the state hospital in Roane County.

14194. Psycopathic Building, Spencer State Hospital, Roane County, W. Va.

An interior view of ward 'A' in the Second Hospital for the Insane.

14195. Ward A, Second Hospital for the Insane, Roane County, W. Va.

An interior view of beds in the dormitory at the Second Hospital for the Insane.

14196. Dormitory, Second Hospital for the Insane, Roane County, W. Va.