Search Results

Group portrait of students and flags at Franklin's First High School, opened in 1912.

14401. First High School, Franklin, Pendleton County, W. Va.

14402. Class Photo Pendleton County, W. Va.

14403. Class Photo Onego School, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Group portrait of participants in a Teacher's Institute.

14404. Teacher's Institute, Franklin, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Group portrait of Teacher's Institute participants.

14405. Teacher's Institute, Franklin, Pendleton County, W. Va.

'First Class in New Schoolhouse on the Hill, 1912-1913.  Professor Jesse H. Cook, Principal; Miss Susie Daugherty and Berlin Eye, teachers.'

14406. Class Photo First Class in New Schoolhouse on the Hill, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Men standing in front of the train wreck 'between Evenwood and Gladyn, W. Va. One is my brother Albert Hertry.

14407. Train Wreck in Randolph County, W. Va.

Photo of a train wreck in Randolph County.

14408. Train Wreck in Randolph County, W. Va.

14409. Bank Interior, Randolph County, W. Va.

14410. Football Team, Pennsboro High School, Ritchie County, W. Va.

Group portrait of Sugar Grove Teachers.  1st Row, 5th from left; Florence Henderson,  2nd Row, 2nd from right; Mattie Eye,  3rd Row, 3rd from right; Jessie Hammer.

14411. Teachers from Sugar Grove Normal School, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Group portrait of Ruddle School, ca. 1930.  1st Row left to right: Paul Ruddle, Alvin Ruddle, Gilda Simmons, Wilda Ruddle, Hansel Ruddle, Retha Roberson, Henry Roberson, unknown, Mary Ruddle.  2nd Row left to right: Clete Bowers, Brown Hendrick, Stanley Bowers, Vestyl Harold, Mildred Ruddle, Beula Hendrick, Betty Wimen (visitor), Bessie Bowers (visitor).  3rd Row left to right: Brosie Thompson, Ira Ruddle, Olin Smith, Lestor Thompson, Billy Ruddle, Beula Summers, Arlin Hendrick, Dick Murphy, Jess, Thompson, Walter Smith (teacher), Sylvia Bowers.

14412. Class Photo Ruddle School, Pendleton County, W. Va.