Search Results

14641. John Henry Memorial, Summers County, W. Va.

'Burning off the gas from an oil well in Ritchie County.  This is a wood derrick. The flaming torches are to remove the gas out of the oil; a waste that isn't occurring today; it is too precious.'

14642. Oil Derrick and Crew, Ritchie County, W. Va.

14643. Dr. Rymer and Son with Fish from Little Kanawha River, Ritchie County, W. Va.

14644. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Depot, Petroleum, Ritchie County, W. Va.

People gather in the aftermath of the fire that occured at the Stout Hardware Company.

14645. After the Fire at Stout Hardware Company, Harrisville, W. Va.

Aerial view of the oil field in Ritchie County.

14646. Oil Field, Ritchie County, W. Va.

From left to right: Bill Mutsby, Jay Bayne, Jim Conaway, Harriet Cain Conaway, Mrs. Bayne, and Bell Maulsby, two unknown.

14647. Bayne Family and Homestead, Ritchie County, W. Va.

'Building is located at corner of Temple St. and Third Ave.'

14648. First National Bank Building, Hinton, Summers County, W. Va.

Postcard with a photograph of Mckinney Covered bridge. 'Ritchie County Bi-Centennial Postcard 1776-1976.'

14649. McKinney Covered Bridge, Cairo, Ritchie County, W. Va.

14650. National Bank of Summers of Hinton, Summers County, W. Va.

'Architects for this missionary were A. G. Higginbotham & Co., Charleston, W. Va.'<br />

14651. J. G. Alderson and Abbie Alderson Memorial Baptist Missionary Church, Dellepoint, Summers County, W. Va.

14652. Sawmill Crew at Work, Glenray Lumber Company, Summers County, W. Va.