Search Results

14665. Bluestone Dam, Hinton, W. Va.

14666. Painters at Work on the West Virginia Reform School for Boys, Taylor County, W. Va.

14667. Kunst Cottage, West Virginia Industrial School for Boys, Taylor County, W. Va.

14668. Lakin Cottage, West Virginia Industrial School for Boys, Taylor County, W. Va.

14669. Truck Underneath Bridge on W. Va. Route 2, Sistersville, Tyler County, W. Va.

14670. Superintendent's Home, West Virginia Industrial School for Boys, Grafton, Taylor County, W. Va.

14671. Public School Building, Sistersville, Tyler County, W. Va.

'Tygart Dam on Tygart River near Grafton backs-up a large man-made lake where swimming, fishing, boating, and picnicking can be enjoyed.'

14672. Tygart River Dam, Grafton, W. Va.

14673. Flood at Sistersville, Tyler County, W. Va.

14674. Farming at the West Virginia Industrial School for Boys, Grafton, Taylor County, W. Va.

View of Robinson Cottage in Taylor County.

14675. Robinson Cottage at the West Virginia Industrial School for Boys, Taylor County, W. Va.

14676. Group in the Parlor of Hotel Hull, Raleigh County, W. Va.