Search Results

View of railroad bridge in Taylor County.  Three men on cart on railroad tracks.

14689. Railroad Bridge near Grafton, Taylor County, W. Va.

14690. Railroad Bridge near Grafton, Taylor County, W. Va.

14691. Railroad Bridge near Grafton, Taylor County, W. Va.

View of railroad bridge in Taylor County.

14692. Railroad Bridge near Grafton, Taylor County, W. Va.

View of the Hammer home with people and horses out front. Hammer home is about 3 miles South of Ruddle.

14693. Hammer Home, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Members of the Taylor County Band standing on a hillside.  Third from right with trombone is Dr. Charley Brown

14694. Band, Taylor County, W. Va.

14695. Horton Lumber Mill, Randolph County, W. Va.

'Henry Lee Grant, Jr. at two and one- half years of age.  Holder of the world's record as a baby bicyclist.  Traveler, mechanical genius and all-round good fellow.'

14696. Henry Lee Grant Jr. with Gun and Rabbit, Taylor County

'This entire outfit was once the property of the Fairfaxes.  The buggy was made at Morgantown in 1858.  The mule is sweet sixteen, and Samuel has the distinction of having honorably served his country during the late unpleasantness.'

14697. Rig with a History, Preston County, W. Va.

Front view of the home of Anna Jarvis, founder of Mother's Day.  Webster is near Grafton in Taylor County.

14698. Birthplace of Anna Jarvis, Webster, Taylor County, W. Va.

Picture Postcard Collection.  Bird's Eye View of the Lumbering Town of Whitmer, ca. 1900, Randolph County.

14699. Bird's Eye View of Whitmer, Randolph County, W. Va.

'Summers County: John Henry Memorial above the Big Bend Tunnel, also called "Great Bend Tunnel", that the folk song made famous.'

14700. John Henry Memorial, Summers County, W. Va.