Search Results

14713. Horton and South Whitmer, Randolph County, W. Va.

14714. Ferry across the River at Hinton, W. Va.

The jail served as the "lockup" for unruly citizens for many years after its construction in 1868. The old jail was located at the Avis Crossing on the location where the Richmond building now stands. The building was later converted into a store.

14715. First Jail in Avis Crossing, W. Va.

14716. Cabot, Dr. Godfrey L., Gas Industry Pioneer, W. Va.

14717. Ewarta, Harvey, Hinton Pioneer, Hinton, W. Va.

14718. Pence, Andrew W. of Pence Spring Oil and Gas Company, Hinton, W. Va.

14719. Walker, Ray, Manager of Hinton Furniture, Hinton, W. Va.

14720. Dunlap, R. F., Summers County, W. Va.

14721. One of the First Daily News boy, W. L. Graham, Hinton, W. Va.

14722. Robinson Cottage at the West Virginia Industrial School for Boys, Taylor County, W. Va.

14723. First Christian Church ever Built in Hinton, W. Va.

14724. Bluestone Dam, Hinton, W. Va.