Search Results

14761. Scenic View of Mountains in Upshur County, W. Va.

14762. Scenic View of Field with Barns and a House in Upshur County, W. Va.

14763. Picket Fenced Fields and Farmhouse in Upshur County, W. Va.

14764. Farm House and Land in Upshur County, W. Va.

To the far right people can be seen sitting on a fence next to a corral.

14765. Split Rail Fenced Road by a Farm in Upshur County, W. Va.

14766. Scenic View of Cattle in a Field with a Haystack, Upshur County, W. Va.

Hay stacks are behind the planted field.

14767. Planted Field with Farm House in the Background, Upshur County, W. Va.

14768. Farmers Cutting and Stacking Hay in Upshur County, W. Va.

14769. Split Rail Fence Between Forrest and Field, Upshur County, W. Va.

14770. Cattle Grazing on a Farm in Upshur County, W. Va.

14771. Farm House and Fields in Upshur County, W. Va.

14772. Field with a Barn to the Right, Upshur County, W. Va.