Search Results

Tree stumps are spread throughout the field in the foreground.

14773. Storage Shed and Farm Field, Upshur County, W. Va.

There is a farm house located to the left of the fields.

14774. Haystacks in a Field in Upshur County, W. Va.

There is a barn to the left side.

14775. Haystacks in a Field in Upshur County, W. Va.

14776. Field on the Side of a Large Hill, Upshur County, W. Va.

14777. Farm Fields with Haystacks and Planted Crops, Upshur County, W. Va.

There are planted crops and haystacks in front of the house.

14778. Farm House and Surrounding Land, Upshur County, W. Va.

14779. Farm House and Surrounding Land, Upshur County, W. Va.

14780. Farm House and Field Separated by a Split Rail Fence, Upshur County, W. Va.

14781. Small Farm House at the Edge of a Field in Upshur County, W. Va.

14782. Scenic View of Mountains and a Valley in Upshur County, W. Va.

A split rail fence separates the fields.

14783. Uncleared Farm Fields Covered with Rocks and Tree Stumps, Upshur County, W. Va.

14784. Railroad Tracks Run Along Side a Partially Cleared Field in Upshur County, W. Va.