Search Results

14821. Hotel Guests Sit on the Porch of the Pence Springs Store, Summers County, W. Va.

14822. Deteriorating Wooden Storage Building on a Farm in Summers County, W. Va.

14823. Farm Field in Summers County, W. Va.

Construction appears to be under way on the farm house.

14824. Farm House and Barn, Summers County, W. Va.

14825. View of Valley with Farm Houses in Summers County, W. Va.

14826. View of Valley with Farm Houses in Summers County, W. Va.

14827. View of Forest Growth in Summers County, W. Va.

14828. Croft Lumber Company's Log Train, Alexander, W. Va.

14829. Railroad Street, Alexander, W. Va.

14830. Scene Showing Croft Lumber Company Sawmill, Alexander, W. Va.

14831. Automower, Upshur County, W. Va.

A close-up view of the famous Old Cool Spring, East 3rd Street, Buckhannon Road, in Upshur County, West Virginia.

14832. Famous Old Cool Spring, Upshur County, W. Va.