Search Results

14869. Unidentified Residence in Thomas, W. Va.

Sitting from left to right- Bert Pase, Tony Mlekush, Naielron Nearhood, Mike Guy, __, __.  Standing- John Yeager, Joe Close, Arch Durr, Dave Close, __, __, __.

14870. Western Maryland Railroad Round House Workers, Thomas, W. Va.

14871. Houses in Thomas, W. Va.

14872. Railway Station and Coal Trains in Tucker County, W. Va.

14873. Coal Works, Thomas, W. Va.

14874. Western Maryland Railroad Depot, Thomas, W. Va.

14875. Scene Near Murphy Town, Wood County, W. Va.

14876. Crowd Gathered for a Parade in Thomas, W. Va.

14877. Scene Near Ferry of Little Kanawha R. R., Wood County, W. Va.

Construction happening around the homes.

14878. Row of Miners' Homes in Thomas, W. Va.

14879. Interior of Davis Coal and Coke Company Power House, Thomas, W. Va.

14880. Interior of Davis Coal and Coke Company Power House, Thomas, W. Va.