Search Results

14881. West Virginia Children's Home Dormitory, Randolph County, W. Va.

14882. Mountain City Band, Davis, Tucker County, W. Va.

This institution is located at Elkins, Randolph County, and is reached by the Western Maryland and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroads, and by bus or auto over state routes 5, 56 and 24.  As of June 30th, 1930, there were seventy children living in the home.  Institution Staff:  Jessica P. Lehman-Superintendent, Glenn Hersman-Matron, Anna Everson-Matron, E. A. Vanscoy,-Farmer, Anna DiBacco-Principal of School, Lula Grace Fisher-Teacher, Dr. S. G. Moore-Physician.

14883. West Virginia Children's Home Main Building, Randolph County, W. Va.

The picture was taken from Pittsburgh and West Virginia Central Station.

14884. Blackwater Hotel and Davis Bank Building, Davis, W. Va.

West Virginia Humane Society, 1914, Randolph County, W. Va.  The Weat Virginia Children's Home, under the control of this Society, is located at Elkins, Randolph County, and is reached by the Western Maryland, the Coal and Coke and the Coal and Iron Railroads.  As of june 30th, 1914 there were 37 children living here.  Members of the Humane Society included:  F. C. Baker of Elkins, R. D. Roller, D. D. of Charleston, John Cummins of Wheeling, E. V. Townshend of Huntington and John W. Graham of Hinton.<br />

14885. West Virginia Children's Home, Randolph County, W. Va.

14886. West Virginia Children's Home, Randolph County, W. Va.

The West Virginia Children's Home is located at Elkins, Randolph County, and is reached by the Western Maryland, the Coal and Coke and the Coal and Iron Railroads, and by bus or auto over State Routes 56 and 58.  As of June 30th, 1927, 35 children lived in the home.  Institution Staff:  Jessica Parry Lehman-Superintendent, Glenn Hersman-Matron, Anna Everson-Matron, Eva Caplinger-Teacher and E. A. Vamscoy-Farmer.

14887. West Virginia Children's Home, Randolph County, W. Va.

14888. Masonic Theatre in Hinton, W. Va.

Standing left to right:  H. G. Humphries, A. H. Lough, A. F. Bush, F. W. Sawyers.  Sitting left to right:  F. L. Boone, W. F. Bush, President E. P. McCreery, R. C. Haynes. (E. Tomkies absent)

14889. Directors of the National Bank, Summers County, W. Va.

14890. Flood Scene, Avis, Summers County, W. Va.

14891. Barger Springs Hotel Summers County, W. Va.

Front view of John Coiner house with people standing in front. House is located near Pence Springs, W. Va.

14892. John Coiner House, Summers County, W. Va.