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15061. Well on Blennerhassett Island

Brick building on Blennerhassett Island.

15062. Blennerhassett Island, Wood County, W. Va.

15063. View of River from Well on Blennerhassett Island, Wood County, W. Va.

15064. Grass Covered Field on Blennerhassett Island, Wood County, W. Va.

15065. Woods on Blennerhassett Island, Wood County, W. Va.

15066. Blennerhassett Mansion, Wood County, W. Va.

'A- Old Stump just in rear of right wing of Old Mansion.  B- Stone Pillar which stood at River, being part of Gateway leading to House.  C- Sycamore growing out of Wine Cellar of Blennerhassett Home.'

15067. Blennerhassett Home on Blennerhassett Island, Wood County, W. Va.

Pictured is a gold writing box as well as other objects associated with Harmon Blennerhassett.

15068. Harmon Blennerhassett's Writing Tools, Wood County, W. Va.

'Lovie Del from a sketch by Lizzie Forbes. Drawn and engraved expressly for the Ladies' Repository. Engraved by F. E. Jones.'

15069. Blennerhassett Island, Wood County, W. Va.

15070. Ohio River with View of Blennerhassett Island, Wood County, W. Va.

'Blennerhassett mansion, where Aaron Burr and Herman Blennerhassett allegedly plotted to establish a separate country in western America, is being reconstructed on its original site unearthed by archeologists on Blennerhassett Island.'

15071. Reconstruction Process, Blennerhasset Island, Wood County, W. Va.

The Knights are in full dress uniform.

15072. First Group of the Knights Templar in Hinton, Tucker County, W. Va.