Search Results

The barber shop became Meyer Motor Sales & Gas Pumps in 1960.

15073. Tom McDermott's Barber Shop, Davis, Tucker County, W. Va.

Men are cleaning up the wreckage of the train.

15074. Western Maryland Railroad Train Wreck in Blackwater Canyon, Tucker County, W. Va.

15075. Blackwater Hotel, Davis, W. Va.

'Photographed by Gerald S. Ratliff, West Virginia Department of Commerce, Charleston, W. Va.'

15076. Blackwater Falls near Davis, Tucker County, W. Va.

15077. Fishing from a Log Raft on the Cheat River at the Mouth of Licking Creek, Tucker County, W. Va.

15078. W. Va. Forestry Camp for Boys, Davis, Tucker County, W. Va.

Men stand beside the Shay engine. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

15079. Shay Engine Used on Blackfork, Tucker County, W. Va.

'From left to right: G. Bowman, J. Phelps, G. Phelps, C. Slider, K. Deahl, M. Deahl, and L. Noland.'

15080. C. J. Deahl's Blacksmith Shop, Davis, Tucker County, W. Va.

15081. Aerial View of Davis, Tucker County, W. Va.

15082. Duncan Building, Thomas, Tucker County, W. Va.

Blackwater Hotel visible.

15083. Winter at Davis, Tucker County, W. Va.

15084. Bridge Across Blackwater, Davis, Tucker County, W. Va.