Search Results

View of Thomas, W. Va. from across the north fork of the Blackwater River.

15085. Panoramic View of Thomas, Tucker County, W. Va.

15086. Lumber Mill Crew in Tucker County, W. Va.

There is a group of men in suits standing on a rock beside the falls.

15087. Blackwater Falls near Davis, Tucker County, W. Va.

15088. Work Crew Above the Railroad Tracks in Tucker County, W. Va.

15089. Chris Alt and Mike Cuoot in the Cooking Room of the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company, Tucker County, W. Va.

View of the construction of a new road in Tucker County, West Virginia. '29 Tramroad.'

15090. Digging a Road, Tucker County, W. Va.

'One of the first lawyers in Tucker County, W. Va.  Lloyd Hansford secured a good common school education and in 1879 graduated from the State Normal School at Fairmont with a degree in Law, being the first graduate from Tucker County from any State institution.  His first office was in St. George, W. Va., then moved to Parsons when it became the county seat.  His office was on Main Street called the Hansford Building, and the Opera House of Parsons.  He was born in 1857 and died in 1916.  Biographical information from the Book "Men of West Virginia, Biographical Publishing Co., 1903.'

15091. Lawyer Lloyd Hansford, Parsons, W. Va.

15092. Mary Wamsley Hansford with Son Lloyd Jr., Tucker County, W. Va.

'Daughter of Lloyd and Mary Hansford of Parsons, W. Va.  She ran a Swedish Massage, a kind of Chiropractor type work, in her home.'

15093. Nest Hansford of Parsons, Tucker County, W. Va.

She ran a Swedish Massage, a kind of Chiropractor type work, in her home.

15094. Hansford, Nest of Parsons, Tucker County, W. Va.

A portrait of W.C. Cooper, possibly the President of Board of Education Fork Lick District, Webster County, West Virginia.

15095. Cooper, W. C. of Webster County, W. Va.

15096. Hansford, Lloyd and Mary Wamsley, Parsons, Tucker County, W. Va.