Search Results

Denver and Benny Cook are pictured together in front of a wire fence.

1501. Cook Brothers on Surveyor's Branch, Summers County, W. Va.

Front row is Murvel and Juanita Lilly. Back row, from left to right, is Nancy Lilly, Virgie Lilly, Denver Cook and Lula Cook.

1502. Members of Lilly and Cook Family at Surveyor's Branch, Summers County, W. Va.

Lilly pictured with a hand gun strapped to his belt and bottle in his hand.

1503. Ernest Lilly at Ellison Ridge, W. Va.

Murvel "Jack" Lilly, Juanita E. Lilly, and Nancy L. Lilly pose together for a picture. To the right, in the background, is their grandmother, Lula M. Cook.

1504. Lilly Children at Surveyor Branch, Summers County, W. Va.

View of the old, boarded-up home located on Leatherwood Road.

1505. Murvel L. Lilly's Old Home, Summers County, W. Va.

Front row, from left to right, is Piney M. Lilly, Grace B. Lilly, Ernest L. Lilly, and Edward P. Lilly.Pictured in the back row is Thomas W. Lilly, Mary E. Lilly, and her son, Blake Farley.

1506. Lilly Family in Blue Jay, W. Va.

Front row, from left to right, is Edna Powers and Lula Cook. In the back is Mrs. Dunckle and Cynthia Shelton.

1507. Women Outside of Mrs. Sharpe's Boarding House, Summers County, W. Va.

Ernest L. Lilly, Denver Lilly, Juanita Lily Pack and Murvel "Jack" Lilly pictured.

1508. Lilly Kids at Surveyor's Branch, Summers County, W. Va.

Virgie Cook Lilly and Etha Freeland Lilly pose beside a young Juanita Lilly.

1509. Lilly Women on Surveyor's Branch, Summers County, W. Va.

The two Cooks pose next to a car and in front of an old wooden shack.

1510. Willie Lee Cook and Grace Sheton Cook on Sandknob Road, Summers County, w. Va.

Older woman is Lottie May Lindsay. Her brother, James, is holding their baby sister, Rose. Standing in the back are friends Alfie Ratcliff and Benny Cook.

1511. Young Men and Women Posing on Leatherwood Road, Summers County, W. Va.

Larry and Wanda Lilly pictured at a doorway to the log home located on Leatherwood Road.

1512. Lilly Siblings at Thomas W. Lilly Log Home, Summers County, W. Va.