Search Results

15205. Webster Springs High School, Webster County, W. Va.

Children and others watch the laying of cornerstone of old Webster Springs High School.

15206. Laying of Cornerstone at Webster Springs High School, Webster County, W. Va.

15207. Blackwater Falls near Davis, Tucker County, W. Va.

15208. Webster Springs High School Football Team, Webster County, W. Va.

Photograph of the Mountaineer Editorial Staff working.

15209. Mountaineer Yearbook Editorial Staff, Webster Springs High School, Webster County, W. Va.

15210. Webster Springs High School Participants in the Central West Virginia Literary Contest, Webster County, W. Va.

15211. Cool Springs Grade School, Webster County, W. Va.

View of New Martinsville, Wetzel County, W. Va.

15212. View of New Martinsville, Wetzel County, W. Va.

15213. Blackwater Falls near Davis, Tucker County, W. Va.

15214. Class Photo Webster Springs High School, Webster County, W. Va.

Bus driver and two men stand next to the bus filled with students in front of Webster County High School.

15215. First County School Bus, Webster County, W. Va.

Fleet of school buses parked along a lane in front of a school.

15216. Fleet of School Buses, Webster County, W. Va.