Search Results

Man in a uniform posed with a dog.

145. Rimfire Hamrick

Please see letter in record 035246 for more information.

146. Portrait of Craig Family in Front of Gazebo at Webster Springs

Detailed information of the portrait 035245. "The six persons to the right of the picture, all in dark clothes, is the Craig family. They are: Man with hat is James S. Craig, Girl in front of JSC with stick is Camilla Virgie Craig (my mother). Lady on JSC left is Ellen Frances (Miller) Craig. Boy in front of of EFC holding cornet is Bonnie Craig. Girl in back of parents is Lillie Pearl Craig. Girl with white hat with left hand on black dog is Dainty Evangeline Craig. I cannot identify the other five persons. The birth years are listed to help date the picture. I assume that Bonnie Craig was 4 or 5 years old and my mother was 7 or 8 when this picture was taken. That will date the picture to 1893. This is my guess. James S. and Ellen Frances Craig were divorced on 17 August 1896."

147. Letter Containing Information on Portrait of Craig Family at Webster Springs

148. Excavating for Gallery Piers, No. 6 Bartley, Island Creek Coal Company, Beartown Project

149. Installing Highway Screen on the Gallery, No. 6 Bartley, Island Creek Coal Company, Beartown Project