Search Results

145. Dedicatory Service Preston County Courthouse, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

'America' by the Massed Bands.  201st Infantry, Masontown, and Grellen, MD.

146. Courthouse Dedication, Preston County, W. Va.

'Invocation' by Rev. Bernard Gibbs.

147. Dedicatory Service Preston County Courthouse, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

View of men by tents from the Oak Park Camping Club.

148. Oak Park Camping Club, Preston County, W. Va.

149. Oak Park on M and K Railroad, One Hundred Acres, Preston County, W. Va.

150. Oak Park

151. Bridge Over Cheat River, Mouth Big Sandy Creek, Preston County, W. Va.

152. Interior of the Dairy Barn at the State Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Preston County, W. Va.

153. Cottages Under Construction at the State Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Preston County, W. Va.

154. Patient Being Examined at the State Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Preston County, W. Va.

155. Pneumothorax Treatment at the State Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Preston County, W. Va.

Children laying outside for sun cure, Conley Hospital, Hopemont Sanitarium.

156. Children in Outside Beds at Conley Hospital, Hopemont Sanitarium, Preston County, W. Va.