Search Results

Emmitt Fox, Sn. pictured outside the store and beside an Esso gas pump.

1585. Sheriff Fox at Fox's Grocery Store in Bass Lake, Summers County, W. Va.

In the center, two kids play on a see saw while a group of younger children and their parents pas time by the swing set. In the background, the building reads, "Bass Lake".

1586. Children Playing at Bass Lake Park, Summers County, W. Va.

A group of unidentified children swim in the water while parents sun-bathe on the lawn. In the background, a building reads, "Bass Lake Park: Free Picnic Tables".

1587. Children Swimming at Bass Lake Park, Summers County, W. Va.

View of the large swimming hole scattered with people. Int he background, the building reads, "Bass Lake Park, Free Picnic Tables".

1588. Swimming Lake at Bass Lake Park, Summers County, W. Va.

Howard Fox reaches to touch the baby deer's nose.

1589. Man with Baby Deer at Bass Lake Park, Summers County, W. Va.

The woman to the right is Dottie Hill. The other unidentified subjects dance with their partners. A jukebox is pictured in the background.

1590. Bass Lake Dance Building, Summers County, W. Va.

People are spotted in the swimming area of the park. The building in the background reads, "Bass Lake Park: Free Picnic Tables".

1591. View of Bass Lake Park from Across the Railroad Track, Summers County, W. Va.

An unidentified woman sits in a car next to a pavilion filled with people in summer clothes and bathing suits.

1592. Woman in Automobile at Bass Lake Park, Summers County, W. V a.

A small C. & O. railway cart is pictured on one of the many sets of track.

1593. Meadow Creek Station, Summers County, W. Va.

Gwinn and his horse, named Gurly, stand west of the Meadow Creek depot waiting on trains No. 13 and No. 14. Gwinn hauled the mail and express from the mainline to the motorcar that ran up and down the Nicholas, Fayette & Greenbrier Railroad (FN&G) line to Rainelle, W. Va.

1594. Donnie Gwinn and His Horse in Meadow Creek, W. Va.

An aerial view of the town located next to the river.

1595. Town of Meadow Creek on New River, Summers County, W. Va.

The couple, originally from Sandstone, W. Va., are pictured outside a home in Meadow Creek surrounded by a flock of chickens, perhaps suggesting they're on a farm.

1596. Mr. and Mrs. Ailstock in Meadow Creek area, Summers County, W. Va.