Search Results

Men spreading lime on a large field with two tractors at Arthurdale.

1657. Spreading Lime with Tractors at Arthurdale, Preston County, W. Va.

Men spreading lime with tractors on the fields at Arthurdale, getting ready for potatoes.  Small windmill visible in background.

1658. Spreading Lime with Tractors at Arthurdale, Preston County, W. Va.

Man plowing a field with a tractor, house, car, and barn in background.

1659. Tractor Plowing Field at Arthurdale, Preston County, W. Va.

Man plowing a field with a tractor; house, car, and barn in background.

1660. Tractor Plowing Field at Arthurdale, Preston County, W. Va.

Farmer guides a horse drawn sprayer at Arthurdale.  Caption on back reads, 'Potatoes were raised cooperatively.'

1661. Farmer Guides a Horse Drawn Sprayer at Arthurdale, Preston County, W. Va.

Men spreading lime with tractors on the fields at Arthurdale, getting ready for potatoes.  Small windmill visible in background.

1662. Spreading Lime with Tractors at Arthurdale, Preston County, W. Va.

Men spreading lime with tractors on the fields at Arthurdale, getting ready for potatoes.  Small windmill visible in background.

1663. Spreading Lime with Tractors at Arthurdale, Preston County, W. Va.

Picture of homesteaders on tractors spreading lime on hilltop land being fitted for potatoes. Note old P.O. truck in background.

1664. Spreading Lime with Tractors at Arthurdale, Preston County, W. Va.

Man stands near a burning lime kiln on the farm of W. A. Loar in Monongalia County, near Laurel Point.

1665. Lime Kiln on farm of W. A. Loar, Monongalia County, near Laurel Point

Men constructing a sprayer before starting work on the potato fields. Caption on back reads, 'Potatoes were raised cooperatively.'

1666. Putting Together the Sprayer at Arthurdale, Preston County, W. Va.

Men with shovels excavating a large apple tree to move it the courtyard of the community center at Arthurdale, W. Va.

1667. Moving Large Apple Tree into Courtyard of Arthurdale Community Center

Rows of tobacco plants.

1668. Field of Tobacco, Preston County