Search Results

Image of home which received numerous improvements.  See ID # 053342, 053343, 053344, 053345, 053346, and 053348.

157. West Virginia Farmhouse Exterior

Image of home which received numerous improvements.  See ID # 053342, 053343, 053344, 053345, 053346, and 053347.

158. West Virginia Farmhouse Exterior

159. West Virginia Home

Possibly located in Weston, W. Va.

160. Home of Mary K. Ward

Owned by Mrs. J. M. Smith.

161. Tourist Home in Keyser, Mineral County, W. Va.

Owned by Mrs. Paul Priest.

162. Tourist Home in Franklin, Pendleton County, W. Va.

163. Rogers Tourist Home

"Cartons of butter being loaded onto supply truck as part of revamped food distribution program emphasized by President Kennedy under Executive Order Number 1. Butter will be taken to distribution center and given to needy persons."

164. Salvation Army Supply Truck Being Loaded at Warehouse, Charleston, W. Va.

"Bud McDonald, right, unemployed, and Richard Love, boy belonging to another family in the community, eat a dinner comprised completely of agricultural commodities made available under the stepped-up food distribution program emphasized by President Kennedy. Various members of community were assembled to illustrate use of distributed foods. Ethel, W. Va."

165. Staged Photo Promoting Food Distribution Program

"Bud McDonald, one of the many persons now unemployed by the decrease in coal production in the area, reads a newspaper announcing President Kennedy's Executive Order Number 1, which made abundant agricultural commodities available to agencies for welfare distribution in areas of pressing need around the country, particularly those of high unemployment. Newspaper is dated January 22, 1961. With McDonald are Zelma Farmer and Jamie Deskin, both of Ethel, W. Va."

166. Charleston Gazette-Mail Newspaper Announcing President Kennedy's Executive Order Number One

"A "Family" composed of members of community to represent typical family in this area, is shown eating a meal prepared completely from food distributed under President Kennedy's Executive Order Number 1. Clockwise, starting with man are: Bud McDonald; Patty Farmer; her mother, Mrs. Farmer; Billy Privet; and Jimmy and Richard Love."

167. Community Members Gathered For Meal Prepared with Distributed Food, Ethel, W. Va.

"Members of the Charleston Salvation Army (right) distribute food to the needy, made available under the U.S. Department of Agriculture's increased food distribution plan. Canned pork and gravy, dried beans, dried eggs, and peanut butter have been added to the other abundant foods being distributed in areas where needs are pressing, particularly in areas of high unemployment." USDA office of information photograph.

168. Salvation Army Food Distribution, Charleston, W. Va.