Search Results

View of the wooden building from across the lawn.

1669. Pence Springs Church near Hinton, W. Va.

An unidentified woman and her children enjoy the fields beside the boarding house.

1670. Hines Boarding House Building and Grounds, Pence Springs, W. Va.

A group of unidentified persons sit out on the boardinghouse's yard. Some play instruments, others lounge on the hammock, and the man to the far right reads.

1671. Visitors at Hines Boarding House, Pence Springs, W. Va.

Photo looking at the entrance of the cabin.

1672. Sim's Place, Pence Springs, W. Va.

Lahey poses holding a shovel beside the fenced pile of coal.

1673. Mrs. Lahey Beside Coal Ben, Pence Springs, W. Va.

View looking a the entrance of the home. Four unidentified persons sit along the porch.

1674. Lahey House, Pence Springs, W. Va.

Looking at the entrance from across the lawn.

1675. Pence Springs Hotel Building, Summers County, W. Va.

Tables and chairs fill the empty room.

1676. Pence Springs Hotel Dining Room, Summers County, W. Va.

Looking at the building from across the lawn.

1677. Pence Springs Hotel Prison, Summers County, W. Va.

The house is either for the warden or administrator of the hotel.

1678. Pence Springs Hotel Complex, Summers County, W. Va.

Spring water pours out from the spout.

1679. Spring Outside Pence Springs Hotel and Prison, Summers County, W. Va.

Three unidentified girls stand beside the grand log cabin.

1680. Thayer Cottage, Pence Springs, W. Va.