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The majestic state capitol building in Charleston.

1705. Old State Capitol Building, Charleston, W. Va.

Picture of a stone crusher and storage bins in the city of Charleston, W. Va. The crusher is back in the shadow to the right. From the Report of the W. Va. State Board of Agriculture for the Quarter Ending Sept. 30, 1908.

1706. Stone Crusher and Storage Bins in Charleston, W. Va.

Cut No. 1, This is a photograph of the immense combination bridge across the Kanawha River in South Charleston, now in process of Construction.  This bridge is made to accomodate both the steam and trolley traffic and also foot-passengers.  The illustration here given, shows the Concrete Piers which are nearly 20 feet thick and 90 feet high.  It also shows the wooden superstructure necessary in the process of erecting the middle span of the bridge.

1707. Bridge Under Construction in South Charleston

Cut No. 2. Is a photograph, showing the county road just opposite the combination bridge, given in Cut No. 1.  By careful examination one can see in this illustration that crooks and turns of the road and also the gullies and hills.  There is not good reason why this road should not be as level as the surface of the water in the river.  Cuts Nos. 1 and 2 show the difference between private and public enterprise with regard to road building. Such illustrations as these can be found in every part of the state.  See photograph number 001707 for Cut. No. 1.

1708. Country Road Adjacent to Combination Bridge in South Charleston, W. Va.

Caption reads, 'There are over 500 schools of this size and smaller in West Virginia.  Consolidation would make better schools and save money.'

1709. Class Photo Unidentified School

Going to school February 6, 1906.  Mercury five degrees below zero.

1710. School Children on Their Way to School, Temperature Five Degrees Below Zero

Picture of a man with a baby and a small girl skinning an animal.  Handwritten note on back reads, 'For Minnie and Leone Fron Silas and Oive Sycamore Cottage Sile Philips and Chlidren.'

1711. Father and Daughter Skinning an Animal

Children being taken to school February 6, 1906.  Five degrees below zero.  A little quicker, but about as cold as if they had walked.

1712. Horse Drawn Sled Taking Children to School in Sub Zero Temperatures

An entire school of nineteen has been taken to school in this wagon when the mercury was 20 degree below zero. Route, 7 miles.  Carbon heater. Centralized Schools will also make good roads.

1713. Springfield Township District No. 1 Horse Drawn School Bus

Schoolhouse in Marion County.

1714. First Consolidated School in West Virginia at Seven Pines, Marion County

Cut No. 5. National road Ohio Co., where macadam has been replaced with brick paving.

1715. National Road in Ohio County

Cut No. 6. A bad road in Monongalia County, West Virginia prior to organization of Good Roads Movement. Courtesy of Director Jas H. Stewart.

1716. Horse Drawn Cart on a Bad Road in Monongalia County, W. Va.