Search Results

Simmons Home being roofed, view from side.

169. Simmons Home, Pendleton County, W. Va.

170. Simmons Home, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Pictured left to right:  W.C. Miller, Mrs. W.C. Miller, {John Miller, Merle Miller, Kate Miller}-one family, {Ruth Coffman (Hettinger), Tom Coffman}-Children of Cassie Coffman, Uncle Clem Miller, Aunt Sadie Miller (Boggs).  On porch:  Ed Miller, Mary Miller, Stanley Miller.

171. Family Portrait in front of William C. Miller Home after Remodeling, Pendleton County, W. Va.

'Charlie and Emma Siple at their home on Siple Mt. About 1900.'

172. Siple Home, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Mary Ann Byrd Home, August 4th, 1896.  On upper porch:  Ona E. Davis, Ernest Byrd, Dan Byrd, Adelaide S. Davis, Elsie Byrd.  On lower porch:  George W. Davis (seated), John W. Byrd, Luna Harman, Virgil Harman (baby), Walter S. Harman, Phebe M. Byrd, Mary Ann Byrd.

173. Mary Ann Byrd Home, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Simmons Home, Stonewall Jackson's Headquarters in May of 1862.  Built in 1812, Remodeled in 1935, Photo taken in 1935.

174. Simmons Home, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Pictured: Jacob Harman (1842-1933), Phebe Kimble Harman (1844-1918), Ida G. Harman (1872-1962), Julia M. Harman (1873-1967), Della Harman (1875-1960), John Vernon Harmon (1880-1958), Walter L. Harman (1883-1957), Alva G. Harman (1888-1912).

175. Jacob Harman Home, Harman Hills, Pendleton County, W. Va.

'Seated on rocking chair by front porch: Allen Dyer, grandson of James Dyer who was captured by indians in Fort Seybert Massacre.  In chair on the porch: Mrs. Martha Dyer (wife of Allen).  On roof porch are three of Dyer's sons; from left; Ed R. Dyer, Pent Dyer and Charlie Dyer. This is the home of Allen and Martha Dyer.  This picture was probably taken shortly before the death of Martha in 1894.  Home is located at Fort Seybert on right side of road just after crossing bridge over South Fork River.  Note: September of 1977; The appearance of this house has been greatly changed because of later remodeling.'

176. Dyer Family Home, Fort Seybert, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Family portrait in front of John M. Ruddle Home, built in 1871 in Buffalo Hills near Ruddle, W. Va.  Pictured left to right: John Preston, Lelia, Aud, John M., Ernest, Virginia F. Ruddle, Zola Simmons, Almeda Ruddle Simmons and Floyd Ruddle.  Portrait in frame is deceased son Tyree Bruce Ruddle.

177. John M. Ruddle Home near Ruddle, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Simmons Home, 1932 before remodeling.

178. Simmons Home, Pendleton County, W. Va.

'Fred and Mollie Hammer and their son, Lacy in front of Ike Ruddle home and slaughter house, Franklin, Pendleton County, W. Va.

179. Hammer Family in their Horse Drawn Wagon, Franklin, Pendleton County, W. Va.

Woman and children by the fence in front of a house on Reed's Creek Road in Pendleton County.

180. House on Reed's Creek Road, Pendleton County, W. Va.