Search Results

Two men of the Dunglen No. 11 Mine, owned by Hanna Coal Company, inspecting a piece of equipment in front of a ambulance coal cart.

1801. Inspecting Equipment on an Ambulance Cart, Dunglen No. 11 Mine, Hanna Coal Company,

1802. Miner Driving Mathies Mine Electric Locomotive

Full loads of coal in train cars in front of the C.C.C. Preparation Plant in Fairmont, W. Va. Credit must be given to William Vandivert, 21 East Tenth St., New York 3, N.Y.

1803. Coal Cars Entering the Consolidation Coal Company Preparation Plant, Fairmont, W. Va.

Miner driving an electric locomotive in a Consol Coal Yard in W. Va.

1804. Electric Locomotive in a Consolidation Coal Company Yard in W. Va.

Picture of train cars filled with coal at the Oakwood Mine, Fayette County, W. Va.

1805. Train of Coal Cars at Oakwood Mine, Fayette County, W. Va.

Two miners riding a electric locomotive outside of a mine during the winter.

1806. Miners on an Electric Locomotive

Miner walking next to coal carts outside of mine.

1807. Coal Carts Entering and Leaving a Fayette County Mine

Train cars filled with coal from the Carbon Fuel Co. No. 5.

1808. Loaded Coal Carts, Carbon Fuel Company, Mine No. 5

Picture of a man driving the No. 15 electric differential locomotive of the Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Company, at Mine No. 32, W. Va.

1809. Miner Driving Electric Differential Locomotive No. 15 at Consolidation Coal Company Mine No. 32

Filled coal carts leaving the mines in Carbon, W. Va.

1810. Coal As It Came From the Mines, Carbon, W. Va.

Filled coal carts leaving the Mathies Mine enroute to the Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Co. Preparation Plant. Copy Print by 'Judge' of good pictures, 954 Liberty Ave. GR. 1-4288. AT. 1-3834.

1811. Raw Coal Enroute to Preparation Plant, Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Company

Vandivert J33#5-7--Haulage. Mine locomotive operator backing cut of cars into unloading yard. Note well-kept safety fence and grounds. Mine No. 32, Consolidation Coal Company, Owings, W. Va. Original photo August 1948, copy negative Jan. 1951. Use in 1950 BCI Annual, Page 15.

1812. Locomotive Operator Backing Cut of Cars into Unloading Yard at Consolidation Coal Company Mine No. 32, Owings, W. Va.