Search Results

1849. Humphrey Preparation Plant and Dock, Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Company

Humphrey Dock with coal barges in the water.

1850. Humphrey Preparation Plant and Dock, Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Company

Seaconnet Coal Co., Sprague's New River Coal, discharging and storage plant at Providence, R.I. This plant covers between nine and ten acres and is directly connected by yard tracks with the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad and with all the trolley lines entering Providence, over which coal is carried to the suburban mills. At the pier is one of the White Oak Transportation Company's whaleback barges discharging New River Coal.

1851. Discharging and Storage Plant at Providence, Rhode Island

Horse drawn carts emerging from the White Oak Coal Company Storage and Distributing Plant at Richmond, Virginia.

1852. White Oak Coal Company Storage and Distributing Plant at Richmond, Virginia

Passengers aboard a special train car.

1853. Special Train, S. V. and E. Railroad

3 fold picture of the White Fuel Co., Boston.

1854. White Fuel Company, Boston

A display of the Consolidation Coal Company.

1855. Consolidation Coal Company Display

Display of the Georgetown Preparation Plant, near Cadiz, Ohio, Hanna Coal Division of Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Co.

1856. Display Showing Views of Georgetown Preparation Plant near Cadiz, Ohio

Display of the Georgetown Preparation Plant, near Cadiz, Ohio, Hanna Coal Division of Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Co.

1857. Display Showing Views of Georgetown Preparation Plant near Cadiz, Ohio

1858. Advertising Display for Disco, the Modern Smokeless Fuel, Pittsburgh Consolidation Coal Company

A man inspecting a Joy Continuous Miner.

1859. Joy Manufacturing Company Continuous Mining Machine

View of a Joy Continuous Mining machine.

1860. Joy Manufacturing Company Continuous Mining Machine