Search Results

The tombs are in the garden at "Pastrauga" the couples' home in the 18th century near Martinsburg.

181. Tombs of James Strode and Wife, Anna Hamilton Foreman Strode, Berkeley County, W. Va.

Sketch of a portrait of Samuel Washington, George Washington's younger brother. Samuel built a home he named "Harewood" in Jefferson County, Virginia (later West Virginia)

182. Samuel Washington of Harewood, Jefferson County, Va. (W. Va)

Sketch of a portrait of Anne Steptoe Washington, fourth wife of Samuel Washington. She bore him five children.

183. Anne Steptoe Washington, Wife of Samuel Washington of Jefferson County, Va. (W. Va)

Portrait of Annie Gibson Packette, also known as Mrs. William Bainbridge Packette, Sr. and  mother of Frances Packette Todd.

184. Annie Gibson Packette of Charles Town, W. Va.

Title of photograph is "Our Parlor". The original is displayed in Frances Packette Todd's photograph album.

185. Parlor in Gibson Packette Todd House, Charles Town, W. Va.

"Captain" Frances D. Packette standing "at attention" dressed in an army uniform. This is a staged photograph, women were not permitted to serve in the military.

186. Frances Davenport Packett, 'Army Captain', of Charles Town, W. Va

"Lady Bird", owned by Frances D. Packette and driven by Mrs. Hugh Price won "The Blue In The Ladies' Driving Horse Class" at The Charles Town Horse Show.

187. Lady Bird Driven By Mrs. Hugh P. Price, Charles Town, Jefferson County, W. Va.

Taken at the home of Thomas Jefferson.

188. Servants' Quarters at 'Monticello', Charlottesville, Va.

Photograph, possible taken from Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home.

189. View Towards Charlottesville, Va.

190. Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va.

The chapel was built during Robert E. Lee's term as University President, 1865-1870.

191. Lee Chapel at Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va.

Barracks Hall and Lejeune Hall stand along the boundaries of the parade ground.

192. Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va.