Search Results

The Queen is 17 year old Louise Shaw of Kingwood. The King is not identified.

181. King and Queen of First Buckwheat Festival, Preston County, W. Va.

Widow of Congressman William Brown from West Virginia and the first woman to second a presidential nominee in a major party (1920) and also the first woman south of the Mason-Dixon line to run for the United States Senate, losing the West Virginia Democratic Party nomination to Matthew Neely by only 6,000 votes in 1922.

182. Izetta Jewel Brown Miller of Kingwood, W. Va.

To the right is Edna Linhart Jackson, the wife of Hoy Jackson. The other young woman is not identified.

183. Edna Linhart Jackson and Friend, Preston County, W. Va.

Unidentified girl adorned with hair ribbon and locket.

184. Portrait of Young Girl, Kingwood, W. Va.

Unidentified young woman wearing white laced dress and locket.

185. Portrait of Young Woman, Kingwood, W. Va.

Well dressed unidentified young man poses with a walking cane.

186. Portrait of Young Man and Walking Cane, Kingwood, W. Va.

Toddler in a lace dress could be a boy or girl. Very young boys wore dress in the 19th century.

187. Unidentified Toddler Poses on Velvet Chair, W. Va.

188. Portrait of Unidentified Female, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Young lady, probably of teen age.

189. Portrait of Unidentified Girl, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

A young man wearing a stiff collar, a suit and tie.

190. Unidentified Young Man, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

A young boy and girl, probably brother and sister.

191. Paul and Mildred Shay, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Bottom Row, L to R: Leslie Bucklew, Charles Price, James Larence, Ross Hawkins, J. C. Knight, George Lowe, Otis Pugh, Ira Bates, Jacob Swick, W. D. Tennant, Creed Maxwell. Middle Row: M. L. Perkins, Edgar Corley, W. R. Perkins, Grover Moats, J. R. Constable, G. W. Roy, Thelbert Titchnor, Charles Titchner, William Bosley, Thomas Pritchard, A. R. Forman, H. W. Eby, Frank Anderson, Smith Tanner, John Rosco, B. B. Luzier, H. L. Shultz, David Wilkins. Top Row: Harry Miller, Ambrose Brotherton, Jennings Barnes, B. F. McMahon, A. R. Wolf, Nick Luzier, Russell Whipkey, Thomas Lay, Bushrod Grimes (In charge of the project), A. O. Goldstrom, Leroy Work, M. R. Sisler, Francis Kerns, Chester Carlin, Arthur Rowan, Earl Whytsell.

192. Group Portrait of Homesteaders, Arthurdale, W. Va.