Search Results

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 308, vol. 1. In book: "The Rev. George N. Thomas of the Beckley Presbyterian Church 1913-1917" (p. 308). On back of portrait: "The Rev. Geo. N. Thomas when he was in Union Seminary."

205. Portrait of Reverend George N. Thomas of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren. On back of portrait: "Navy World War II."

206. Portrait of Okie Farley and Wife, Raleigh County, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 481, vol. 2. In book: "Emily Jane (Lilly) Sesler, wife of Sam'l W. Sesler, native Raleigh Countians, of Orchard Ave. (born 1856 she lived to be 100)" (p. 481). On back of portrait: "Emily Jane (Lilly) Sessler. Son, E. C. Sesler."

207. Portrait of Emily Jane Sesler of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 566, vol. 2. On back of portrait: "Mary Ruth Potts, RN. Laird Memorial Vet. Hosp." On front of photograph: "'Love' Mary."

208. Portrait of Mary Ruth Potts, RN, Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 594, vol. 2. In book: "Venus Evon Bennett, 'State Teen Queen' and Beckley's own Nickie Sue Gagalis, 'Miss West Va.'"

209. Portrait of 'State Teen Queen' Venus Evon Bennett and 'Miss West Virginia' Nickie Sue Gagalis, Raleigh County, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren. On back of portrait: "Bill Ward, well known bus coordinator. 1945. Beckley (?) City Lines."

210. Portrait of Bill Ward of Raleigh County, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 139, vol. 1. In book: "Shades of Mme. Pompadour; unidentified coiffures complete with 'rats'" (p. 139).On back of portrait: " Lyd Sessions, unidentified coiffures." Harlow Warren, copyright 1955.

211. Portrait of Lyd Sessions and Coiffures, Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren. On back of portrait: "The 'Old Coal House' of the grade school. Boy second from left is Cecil V. Sampson. Others not known. Pix property of Earl L. Sampson Williamson, W. Va." See records 036352; 036364; 036373; 036384.

212. Portrait of Cecil V. Sampson, Raleigh County, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren. On back of portrait: "Earl L. Sampson, Welch, W. Va." See records 036352; 036364; 036372; 036384.

213. Portrait of Earl L. Sampson and Others in Front of Store, Raleigh County, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren.

214. Group Portrait in Front of Wood House, Raleigh County, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 386, vol. 2. In book: " The E.E. Tucker family, Mrs. (Nannie Lemon), 'Ed' and children: Adair, Verne and Rio" (p. 386). On back of portrait: "Left to right: Nana Lemon (Tucker), Edgar Edwin Tucker, Adair, Verne and Rio-children."

215. Portrait of E. E. Tucker Family of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 364, vol.2. On back of portrait: "Seated left to right: Bessie Willis (Tucker), A.Z. Amajiah (sp) Lilly (Teacher), Nora Ball (Burton). Standing: Ida Ball (Cooper), George Willis and Stella Lemon (Ford)."

216. Portrait of First Senior Class at Beckley's Free School, Beckley, W. Va.