Search Results

William Plumley pictured with female associates outside of the store entrance. The building later housed Hinton Furniture, owned by Ray Walker.

2245. Plumley Building on the Corner of Temple Street and 2nd Avenue, Hinton, W. Va.

A family crowds inside the car decorated for the event on Temple Street. Subjects unidentified.

2246. Automobile Decorated for WWI Parade in Hinton, W. Va.

A man makes his way down the snowy street with his horse-drawn wagon.

2247. A Snow Covered Temple Street, Hinton, W. Va.

Children walk beside the troop as they pass Rose's Drug Store and the National Bank of Summers on Temple Street. Subjects unidentified.

2248. Group of Soldiers Participating in WWI Parade, Hinton, W. Va.

A Palace Clothing Co. parade float decorated in American flags is drawn by two horses.

2249. Float in WWI Victory Parade, Hinton, W. Va.

The first car ever purchased in the city was a two-cylinder Brush. John Lang, weighing 380 lbs., is pictured in the forefront. His associates are unidentified.

2250. First Automobile with its First Passengers in Hinton, W. Va.

Ballengee and his wife pictured outside of their log home in the Avis section of town.

2251. George Ballengee Home, Hinton, W. Va.

The two decorated vehicles make their way down Temple Street. The float in back advertises Plumley-Hulme Co.

2252. Parade Floats Participating in the WWI Victory Parade, Hinton, W. Va.

A young girl looks out from behind the rear of the vehicle while two adults drive it down Temple Street. Subjects unidentified.

2253. An Automobile Decorated for the World War I Victory Parade, Hinton, W. Va.

Three unidentified children sit inside the vehicle decorated with streamers and American flags on Temple Street.

2254. Children Sit Inside an Automobile Decorated for the WWI Victory Parade, Hinton, W. Va.

Two cars decorated in American flags make their way down Temple Street while spectators watch from the sidewalks. The automobile in the forefront advertises International Motor Trucks with soldiers sitting next to its cargo.

2255. Vehicles Participating in World War I Victory Parade, Hinton, W. Va.

The Hinton Construction Co. parade float advances down Temple Street. The sign on the side of the vehicle reads, "We believe in preparedness, and are prepared to build houses and do general contract work on short notice."

2256. Automobile Participating in World War I Victory Parade, Hinton, W. Va.