Search Results

Four pictures depicting students in different occasions around Martin Hall.

217. Four Photos of Students at Martin Hall, West Virginia University

Three pictures of a group of unidentified students decorating for social event.

218. Students Decorating for Social Event, West Virginia University

Elmer Leach stands on steps of Science or Chitwood Hall.

219. Elmer Leach on Science Hall Steps, West Virginia University

Elmer Leach in a classroom of Science or Chitwood Hall.

220. Elmer Leach, West Virginia University

A student, Elmer Leach, Elmer shown here with four kids in a classroom in Science or Chitwood Hall.

221. Elmer Leach wtih Four Children, West Virginia University

A portrait of class of 1898, senior students of civil engineering; a male standing is Elmer Leach, the rest are unidentified.

222. Senior Civil Engineering Class, West Virginia University

Members of Coop club.

223. Coop Club, West Virginia University

Senior students Laughhead (left) and Davis (right) sit for an photo in a classroom.

224. Students Laughhead Davis, West Virginia Univrsity

Senior student Harry Laughhead in a classroom.

225. Harry Laughhead, West Virginia University

A student, Leach, Elmer drapes his arm over a statue of Venus to pose for a photo.

226. Elmer Leach, West Virginia University

227. Johnson, a Student, Poses with Statue of Venus, West Virginia University

Students pose on steps of WVU building.

228. Group Portrait of Students, West Virginia University