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From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 476, vol. 2. In book: "An excellent example of the early Vanity Fair, is this picture pf some Richmond District young people. Their dress is exquisite, for the period. Left to right: Lena Prince, Janet Carper, Walter Carper and Dora Carper (Miles)" (p. 476). On back of photograph: "Lewis Carper's son and daughter center."

217. Portrait of Carper Family of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren.

218. C. C. Tucker and Wife Viewing Beckley from Knob Hill, Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 406, vol. 2. Attached to portrait: "Back row: Mary Prince (Smith); Alfred Prince; Ada Prince (Fitzpatrick); John Prince. Front row: Fred, Okey, Mrs. Dave Prince, Ella Prince."

219. Portrait of Dave Prince Family of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 71, vol. 1. On back of portrait: "Nana Shumate (Mulford) in center. Tele operator Bell Phone." Harlow Warren, copyright 1955.

220. Portrait of Nan Shumate Mulford and Two Women, Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren.

221. Men Laying Brick Street, Raleigh County, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren.

222. Portrait of Two Men, Raleigh County, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 493, vol. 2. Names are from left to right.

223. Portrait of Ash Williams, Clyde McDowell and Leroy Phipps of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren. On back of portrait: "Beckley's First Boy Scouts Earl L. Sampson, Welch, W. Va." See records 036352; 036364; 036372; 036373.

224. Portrait of Beckley's First Boy Scouts, Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 363, vol. 2. In book: See p. 363 for complete list of men and their roles in the community. On back of photograph: "John S. Hull in middle with beard."

225. Portrait of Community Leaders of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 357, vol. 2. In book: See p. 357 for complete list of congregation members' names. "The Christian Church Congregation at Crow, W. Va. The scene is on the steps of the old Crow (or Wright Hotel" (p. 357).

226. Portrait of the Christian Church Congregation at Crow, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 224, vol. 1. In book: "This picture (1891), left: Lewis Williams father of Mrs. Ida S. O'Dell and Mrs. Maggie May Fink, both still living in Beckley, and I. C. (Uncle Ike) Prince" (p. 224). On back of portrait: "Lewis Williams- Grandfather of Gov. Clarence. I. C. Prince- W. Meadows and Howard Prince Meadows."

227. Portrait of Lewis Williams and I. C. Prince of Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 753, vol. 3. In book: "Left to right: Miss Pearl McCreery, daughter of our venerable Senator John W, McCreery, Flynn Hull, and his mother Mrs. John (Annie Prince) Hull and father John S. Hull, who happened to be a first cousin of his wife; and a rugged individualist who has so far been unidentified" (p. 753). For more information on the Hull Hotel and to see another view of the Parlor interior see p. 356, vol. 2.

228. Portrait of Distinguished Beckleyans in Parlor of Hull Hotel, Beckley W. Va.