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Blanche Lazzell from Maidsville, Monongalia County, West Virginia, painting at an easel outside her studio on Cape Cod.

13. Artist Blanche Lazzell Working at Her Studio, Provincetown, Mass.

Artist Blanche Lazzell was from Maidsville, West Virginia.

14. Blanche Lazzell's Studio, Provincetown, Mass.

Blanche Lazzell from Maidsville, West Virginia, strings netting on the outside wall of her studio on Cape Cod.

15. Artist Blanche Lazzell Working Outside Her Studio, Provincetown, Mass.

Motto inscribed on back, "Speak no evil, but scatter Sunshine". Members back Row, L to R: Ivie Shriver, Cowen, WV; Gertrude Wheeler, Rowlesburg, WV; Nellie McBride, Weston, WV; Osie Lawson, West Milford, WV; Gertrude Roberts, Oakland, MD; Josie Engle, West Union, WV; Sicely Wilson, Wilson, WV; Ivie Hardman, Jane Lew, WV; Blanche Lazzell, Maidsville, WV; Fannie Jones, Knottsville, WV; Mary Schroth, Hevetia, WV.

16. Sunbeam Group Portrait, West Virginia Conference Seminary, Buckhannon, W. Va.

"Students Out Walking, Monday PM". Students numbered: 1.Percy Metheny; 2.Frank Williamson; 3.Etta Harrison; 4.Lillie King; 5.Sicily Wilson; 6.Claud King; 7.Ed Carter; 8.Flora Sanders; 9.Ida Flesher; 10.Thomas Sharpriack; 11.Roy Hardest; 12.Mayne Charlton; 13. Jessie Stewart; 14.Josie Engle; 15.James Bird; 16.Cecil Crickard; 17.Elmer Trotter; 18.Emory Ireland; 19.Blanche Lazzell; 20.Mattie Esilmore; 21.Kittie Martin; 22.Mary Eichelberger; 23.Fred Sharp; 24.Mabel Wiant; 25.Emma Peters; 26.William Blair; 27.James Mc Hord; 28.Ed Stallings; middle front-Dog,

17. Spring Vacation Party of West Virginia Conference Seminary, Buckhannon, W. Va.

Members L to R: 1.Nellie Ogan; 2.Fannie Jones; 3.Osa Lawson, Pres.; 4.Gertrude Roberts; 5.Etta Harrison; 6.Sicely Wilson; 7.Nellie McBride; 8.Blanche Lazzell; 9.Nora Fetty; 10.Josie Engle; 11. Ivy Hardman; 12. Olive Wildman; 13. Gertrude Wheeler

18. F. F. C. Literary Society of West Virginia Conference Seminary, Buckhannon, W. Va.

Photograph was taken on the steps of the Seminary. Members of the cast and their roles, back to front: Ed Cater, "Comelious"; Dilla Haymond, "Ma Diller"; Will Craig, "Clem"; May Griffin, "Katrina"; Harry Byer, "Eily"; Virginia Rider, "Sweet Sarah Mand"; Stella Elliott, "Ma Steller"; Emory Ireland, "Uncle Emory"; William Blair, "Uncle Billy"; Flora Sanders, "Awful Peoria"; Lotta Kump, "Little Baby Larry"; Blanche Lazzelle, "Gentle Susan".

19. 'The Ruggleses' Cast, West Virginia Conference Seminary, Buckhannon, W. Va.

Neta Blanche Lazzelle from Maidsville, Monongalia County, West Virginia, dropped her first name, "Neta" and the "e" on her last name at the beginning of her career as an artist.

20. Art Student Neta Blanche Lazzell, Art Student League, New York City, N. Y.

Artist Blanche Lazzell was from Maidsville, West Virginia

21. Joe Storef and Blanche Lazzell

Unidentified female students pose around A. Lee Post.

22. A. Lee Post and Girls at His Table at Hall, West Virginia Conference Seminary, Buckhannon, W. Va.

Blanche Lazzell was recognized in the art world for her wood block prints.

23. Artist Blanche Lazzell of Maidsville, Monongalia County, W. Va.

Inscribed on the back of the photograph, "King's Daughters, "Fear no evil, but scatter sunshine" - Motto. Members listed in photo: Mollie Throckmorton, Irene Coffield, Ivie Hardman, Clarice Ripley, Nellie Howard, Bo peep Smith, Minnie Core, President, Maud Sheats, Bessie Martin, Blanche Lazzell, Flo Friend, Gertrude Wheeler, Dot Stuart, Lidia Shroth

24. Sunbeam Circle, West Virginia Conference Seminary, Buckhannon, W. Va.