Search Results

13. Pendleton 4-H Boys at Camp Frame, Berkeley County, W. Va.

'A portion of the 4-H Club exhibit, entitled the 4-H Beauty Shop.'

14. 4-H Club Home Industries Exhibit, 'What Farm Women Can Do'

15. Pendleton 4-H Boys at Camp Frame, Berkeley County, W. Va.

Young boy presents his model farm house.

16. 4-H Member with His Model Farm House

17. 4-H Cattle Judging

18. Group Portrait of Participants at a 4-H Convention

'Members of the Boys and Girls Club Demonstration accompanying the Farm Institute Train were left to right: Dwight Skaggs, Lewisburg; Frances Sutphin, Oak Hill; Mildred Gill, Salt Rock; and Wm. Benfield, Zink's Grove.'

19. Members of Boys and Girls Club

'Interior of mine bus garage at Henlawson, Logan Co. One big bus was run out, and other moved back so I could demonstrate there.'

20. 4-H Demonstration in Mine Bus Garage, Logan County, W. Va.

21. Nat. T. Frame

22. Nat T. Frame