Search Results
- 040540
- Title:
- Gary Bowers Holds Hitched Horses, Grantsville, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1912-1917
- 040541
- Title:
- Workers at G.L. Cabot's Carbon Black Factory, Calhoun County, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1909
- Description:
- Front row, left to right: John Davis (standing), Kay "Boots" Stevens, Jake Hayhurst, Ellie Propst, Harry "Hike" Smith, Fred Ball, and Frank Deem. Second row, standing, left to right: Mont Smith, Walter Eli Smith, Bill Durst (photo taken before he lost his arm in an accident at the factory), John Harris, Wes Propst, Wait Ball, and Frankie Smith.
- 040542
- Title:
- Armistice Day Parade, Gratnsvill, Calhoun County, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1918/11/11
- Description:
- celebration marking the end of World War I. Postcard photograph is labeled, "Star Spangle Banner".
- 040543
- Title:
- Armistice Day Parade, Grantsville, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1918/11/11
- Description:
- Bystanders watching the parade celebrating the end of Worl War I.
- 040544
- Title:
- Armistice Day Parade, Grantsville, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1918/11/11
- 040545
- Title:
- Buses For World War II Recruits, Grantsville, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1942
- Description:
- Recruits load onto buses.
- 040546
- Title:
- Calhoun Co. Recruits During World War I, Calhoun County., W. Va.
- Date:
- 1917
- Description:
- Pictured: Marked with a 1) Elias Yoak 2) Charles Arthur 3) Charles Shaffer
- 040547
- Title:
- Calhoun County's Soldier Boys, Calhoun Co., W. Va.
- Date:
- 1917/09
- Description:
- Group portrait of new military recruits during World War I.
- 040548
- Title:
- 'Our Soldier Boys Starting For The Front', Calhoun, Co., W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1917
- Description:
- Automobiles, waving American flags line the main street.
- 040549
- Title:
- World War II Scrap Metal Drive, Grantsville, W. Va.
- Description:
- Trucks loaded with scrap metal, driving through town. Many citizens pitched in to support the war effort by collecting materials for recycling.
- 040550
- Title:
- World War II Scrap Metal Drive, Grantsville, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1943
- Description:
- Collecting scrap metal in the back of trucks. Calhoun County citizens aided the war effort by collecting scrap metal to be receycled into miltary needs. The John Deer Company encouraged farmers to "Sink a sub from your farm, bring in your scrap metal".
- 040551
- Title:
- World War II Scrap Metal Drive, Grantsville, W. Va.
- Description:
- Scrap metal in the back of trucks roll through town. Scrap drives were prompted to involve citizens for morale purposes as well as helping the war effort.