Search Results

Men spreading lime with tractors on the fields at Arthurdale, getting ready for potatoes.  Small windmill visible in background.

13. Spreading Lime with Tractors at Arthurdale, Preston County, W. Va.

Picture of homesteaders on tractors spreading lime on hilltop land being fitted for potatoes. Note old P.O. truck in background.

14. Spreading Lime with Tractors at Arthurdale, Preston County, W. Va.

Men constructing a sprayer before starting work on the potato fields. Caption on back reads, 'Potatoes were raised cooperatively.'

15. Putting Together the Sprayer at Arthurdale, Preston County, W. Va.

Rows of tobacco plants.

16. Field of Tobacco, Preston County

Rows upon rows of onions in a field, with hills and trees in the background.

17. Onions, Glade Lands, Preston County

Two men operating a horse drawn sprayer at Arthurdale. Caption on back reads, 'Potatoes were raised cooperatively.'

18. Operating a Sprayer at Arthurdale, Preston County, W. Va.

A field with rows of cabbage and rolling hills in the background.

19. Cabbage, Glade Lands, Preston County

A very large field that has a bloomed crop of buckwheat.

20. Field of Buckwheat in Preston County, W. Va.

Twelve ton electric motor was used for hauling coal from the mines to the tipple. Merchants' Coal and Coke Co.'s at Tunnelton, Preston Co., W. Va.

21. Twelve Ton Electric Motor for Hauling Coal, Merchants' Coal and Coke Company, Tunnelton, Preston County, W. Va.

Six miners pose by a electrical cutting machine in a mine in Preston County.

22. Miners with Electrical Coal Cutting Machine, Preston County, W. Va.

'T.M Arthur, who sold his property, bought from the Fairfax estate 33 years ago, to the U.S. Govt. He wants to return to Pgh. Pa. to live, but his wife says no, she likes the beauty of the hills.'

23. Arthur, T. M. of Preston County, W. Va.

Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt is standing with the graduating class and teacher at Arthurdale.

24. Eleanor Roosevelt with High School Graduates at Arthurdale, Preston County,W. Va.