Search Results

William Stewart, from Petersburg, Virginia was a slave during the Antebellum and Civil War Era. He moved to Morgantown after 1900 and worked for the Moreland family. He died in 1934.

13. Former Slave William Stewart and Linnie May Slaughter, Morgantown, W. Va.

Sarah Seals was born a slave to the Benjamin B. Thorn family, ca. 1838-1842. She remained a slave until the Civil War and after emancipation she earned her living by keeping house for several people in Monongalia County. Information found on pages 30-31 in the book, "Our Monongalia..." by Connie Rice. Information with photo: "Courtesy of Laura Michael".

14. Sarah Seals, Monongalia County, W. Va.

A former slave, Edwards created his own successful business, running the first water service in Morgantown in ca. 1865. Information on page 35 in the book, "Our Monongalia ..." by Connie Rice. Information with photograph, " Courtesy of Gwendolyn Edwards".

15. John Edwards of Morgantown, W. Va.

Prisilla "Aunt Prissy" Clark was a slave owned by George Dorsey of Monongalia County. When he died in 1824, his slaves were willed to his wife and children. Prisilla was given to Dorsey's son. It is unknown if she ever gained her freedom. Information on p. 22 in "Our Monongalia" by Connie Park Rice. Information with the photograph includes "Reproduced from Spinster Club photo book, duplicate held by WVU Women's Centenary Project, Center for Women's Studies Archive. Original loaned by Ruth Lawrence Mahaney".

16. Prisilla Clark of Morgantown, W. Va.

The woman seated in the photograph is Prisilla or "Aunt Prissy". She was a slave in the before the Civil War and owned by the Dorsey family of Morgantown. All others are unidentified. Information on p. 22 in "Our Monongalia" by Connie Park Rice. Information with the photograph includes "Reproduced from Spinster Photo Book Club, duplicate held by WVU Women's Centenary Project, Center for Women's Study Archive. Original loaned by Ruth Lawrence Mahaney."

17. 'One's Colored Relations', Morgantown, W. Va.

Built in 1820, the church was struck by a cannon ball during the 1862 Civil War Battle of Lewisburg. The "wound" is visible near the right corner of the structure. The boarded door entrance, right center, was used by slaves to enter the segregated balcony of the church for services.

18. John Wesley Methodist Church, Lewisburg, W. Va.

View from the North West.

19. Slave Quarters of Trammell Hollis Home, Gerrardstown, W. Va.

20. Level Green Slave Quarters Outbuilding, Jefferson Co., W. Va.

View of outbuilding from south-east.

21. Traveler's Rest Slave Quarters, Jefferson Co., W. Va.

Slave quarters and outbuilding viewed from the South East. Also known as the R. Lucas House.

22. Elmwood Slave Quarters, Jefferson Co., W. Va.

Information on back of photo reads: "Colonel H.A. Forlong (left) of Pontiac, Michigan, Surgeon of the 18th Corps, Ninth U.S. Army, sits beside a Russian Army officer at a stage show given in Lippstadt, Germany, May 20, 1945, by liberated Russian soldiers and former slave workers. Lippstadt is 70 miles northwest of the Rhine River city of Duisburg.

23. Allied Officers Attend Show Given By Freed Russians, Lippstadt, Germany

Caption on postcard reads: "Built of native stone by the early settlers in 1796, to take the place of an earlier log structure. The Church has the original slave balcony and hand hewn woodwork." Published by Neale's Drug Store. (From postcard collection legacy system.)

24. Old Stone Church; Lewisburg, W. Va.