Search Results

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 15, vol. 1. In book: See p. 14, 15 for complete list of names. Harlow Warren, copyright 1955.

229. Group Portrait on the Steps of Hull Hotel at Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren.

230. Group Portrait in Front of House, Raleigh County, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 77, vol. 1. In book: "This is purported to be the first organized Boy Scout troop in Raleigh County; there was a No. 1 at East Raleigh, but it surrendered its charter and joined the above. It was sponsored by Raleigh Mining Institute; its prime mover was Col. Ernest Chilson and Scout Master, R. B. Holmes, of 308 Temple Street, Beckley. Mr. Holmes led the troop for ten years. The cabin was handsomely built by R. M. I. on the hill back of the coal company store, and still exists-unused and deteriorating!" (p. 77). Back of portrait: "Boy Scouts and cabin. Col. Chilson sponsor, prime mover and inspiration, Raleigh Troop No. 2; combine of 1 and 2. R. B. Holmes Scout Master ten years, sponsored by Raleigh Mining Institute. Back of new store. R. B. Holmes, electrical engineer." Harlow Warren, copyright 1955.

231. Portrait of First Organized Boy Scouts Troop of Raleigh County, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren. On front of portrait: "Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Arritt (Salt Sulphur) Myrtle (Kerma Arritt) John and his mother Annie Arritt Hull. about 1910."

232. Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Arritt Family of Beckley, W. Va

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 499, vol. 2. In book: "Bernard Curtis, Paul Bair, a Beaner and Charley C. Tucker. Their hair; a sign of the times" (p. 499).

233. Portrait of Young Beckleyans, Raleigh County, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 110, vol. 1. In book: "Col. and Mrs. Ernest E. Chilson and daughter Mae" (p. 110). Harlow Warren, copyright 1955.

234. Portrait of Ernest E. Chilson of Beckley, W. Va. on Horseback

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 349, vol. 2. In book: "Front row: Leta Ellison (Mrs. Deck Williams); Nettie Cook, (Mrs. James Keyser); Maggie Williams, (Fink); Aletha McCreery, (Keatley, half-sister to the other McCreerys); Professor Taylor, Teacher; Minnie Cook, (Mrs. Henry Keyser); John Price Beckley; Maggie Prince, (Mrs. Henry Davis). Back row: ... Stovall; John Earl McCreery; Lucien Davis;... Stovall; Alma McCreery, (Mrs. E. M. Payne); Ora McCreery, (Mrs. Jim Calfee); Grace Ford, (daughter of Azel Ford); Cora Fugate, (daughter of the Methodist minister); ...Stovall; Willie Hull, (Mrs. Howell); Ruby Beasley; Quince Stovall; Bradley McCreery; Frank Hull; unidentified" (p. 349).

235. Portrait of Professor Carl Taylor's School at Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren.

236. Portrait of Ed White Family and Mrs. Zella Harsbarger Posed on a Porch, Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 459, vol. 2. In book: "(From left to right) First row: Mrs. Robert Higgins; Miss Thelma Brown; Mrs. Sallie McGinnis; Mrs. Keith. Second row: Mrs. Barella; Mrs. Myrtla Arnett (Rothrock); Mrs. Blankenship; Mrs. Wade Hull; Mrs. Mary J. Starr; Mrs. Andrew Bailey; Mrs. T. J. McGinnis; Mrs. R. E. Turner. Third row: Mrs. Ruby French Tinsley; Mrs. Jake Lares; Mrs. W. B. Fisher; Mrs. M. O. Bright; Miss Annie Platt; Mrs. E. C. Hern; Miss Zone Sherrad; Mrs. Frank Hamlin; Mrs. Russie Gore Williams; Mrs. E. F. Cooper; Mrs. O. . Harrald. Fourth row: Mrs. H. J. Thorne; Mrs. W. R. Snead; Mrs. C. L. Phipps; Mrs. Tobin Stover; Mrs. Jess Blake; Mrs. John Davis; Miss Fannie Reed; Mrs. J. A. Brubeck; Mrs. Fannie Wheatley. Fifth row: E. F. Cooper (teacher); Rev. Charles A. Slaughter (pastor); Mrs. Charles A. Slaughter; Mrs. Thelma Wetzel; Mrs. Rosetta Flint; Mrs. Erie Williams; Eugene G. Larrick; Henry Keyser" (p. 459).

237. Portrait of Sallie McGinnis Bible Class at the Methodist Temple, Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren. On back of portrait "Geo. L. Ballard."

238. Group Portrait of Central-Southern HI-Y Work Conference at Mount Hope, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 415, vol. 2. In book: "In book: Teachers: Mrs. Mahoney, Mrs. J. O. Freeman. Top row: ____ Halstead, (?), Clyde Cook, Wilbur Manley, George Warren, (?), (?), Cam McDowell, Loy Smith, Stuart Warren. Second row: Seldon Trup, Roy Vass, Ruth Bair (Mrs. Virgil Snead), Mary Nan McGinnis (Mrs. W. W. Goldsmith), Wanda Bailey (Mrs. Sam Thomson), Tessa Stanley (Mrs. G. O. Mills), May Chilson (Mrs. A. K. Canterbury). Bottom row: Paul Hollanswoth, Ray Bailey, Ned Foster, Oneida Meador, Billy Scott (Mrs. F. L. Pettit), Edith Harris, Freida Calfee, Helen Martin (Mrs. H. U. Sloan), Mildred Bibb (Rev. Julius Fishbach)" (p. 415). On front of portrait: "About 45 years ago."

239. Group Portrait of Fourth Grade Class at Beckley Institute at Beckley, W. Va.

From "Beckley U.S.A." by Harlow Warren, p. 387, vol. 2. In book: "Top row: l. to r.: Frank Brubeck, Forrest Logan, Rexford Thompson, Wendell Smith, Miss Hallie Harper (Teacher). Glenn Sutphin, Helena Daubenspeck (?).Second row: James Bibb, Erskine Dunn, Oppie Hedrick, Howard Meadows, Ray Martin, Beulah Snyder, Monetta Phipps, Bill Ware. Third row: Howard Armstrong, Jck Hatcher, Edith Phipps, Golda Lilly, Dale Tolbert, Edward Ellison, Rosalie Stover. Front row: Clarence Bibb, Phillip Wilkes, Ernest Merrill, Edna Lilly, Mildred Turner, Edith Hollandsworth (in front), Mary Meadows, Gladys Meadows, Tom Ragland, Sara Elizabeth McGinnis" (p. 387). On back of portrait: "In three rows; left to right: first (jagged)."

240. Group Portrait of Class at Beckley Institute, Beckley, W. Va.