Search Results
- 050046
- Title:
- E. E. Taylor Posing in front of Griffith Creek School, Summers County, W. Va.
- Date:
- undated
- Description:
- Taylor, father of Mrs. Francis Neely, stands in front of the school which was built in 1919 and closed in 1961. A group of unidentified female students are sitting on the porch railing.
- 050047
- Title:
- Hartwell School, Summers County, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1957
- Description:
- View of the schoolhouse--a white building with a small porch and plenty of windows.
- 050048
- Title:
- Hurley School, Summers County, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1957
- Description:
- A group of school children play outside of the schoolhouse. Perhaps it is recess. Subjects unidentified.
- 050049
- Title:
- Keatley Springs School, Summers County, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1957
- Description:
- View of the schoolhouse from further down the hill.
- 050050
- Title:
- Lane School, Summers County, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1957
- Description:
- Photo of the schoolhouse.
- 050051
- Title:
- Lick Creek School, Summers County, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1957
- Description:
- Photo of the schoolhouse.
- 050052
- Title:
- Students and Faculty Members Outside of Lick Creek School, Pipestem, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1920
- Description:
- Laura Shumate, a teacher at the school, is pictured with an unidentified associate and school children.
- 050053
- Title:
- Lincoln School, Hinton, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1959
- Description:
- View of the school building from across the street.
- 050054
- Title:
- Lockbridge School, Summers County, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1947
- Description:
- Photo of the schoolhouse.
- 050055
- Title:
- Low Gap School, Summers County, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1957
- Description:
- Photo of the schoolhouse.
- 050056
- Title:
- Classroom Scene at Low Gap School, Summers County, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1925
- Description:
- A teacher, likely Charles Saunders, sits in front of the classroom supervising his students.
- 050057
- Title:
- Low Gap School Students Sitting at their Desks, Summers County, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1925
- Description:
- The unidentified school children are pictured behind their desks. A heater sits in the middle of the classroom.