Search Results

Swimmers are likely in the Guyandotte River.

2449. Group of Men and Boys Swimming, Pineville, Wyoming County, W. Va.

2450. Scene on Guyandotte River, Wyoming County, W. Va.

2451. Ducks on the Guyandotte River, Wyoming County, W. Va.

A group of men and women stand on a pile of lumber next to the Guyandotte River.  A wooden railroad track is to the right.

2452. Logging Scene on Guyandotte River, Wyoming County W. Va.

Portrait of a man standing in a flooded boat, possibly the photographer, Robert Keller.

2453. Portrait of Man, Possibly Robert Keller, on Guyandotte River, W. Va.

A unidentified young boy sits on a rock near Barger Springs, W. Va.

2454. Boy on Rock Near Barger Springs, W. Va.

A young, unidentified boy floats in a tube in what is also known as Greenbrier Springs. The springs are located along the Greenbrier River.

2455. Boy Swimming in Barger Springs, Summers County, W. Va.

The two unidentified men walk a horse through what is also known as Greenbrier Springs. The springs are located along the Greenbrier River.

2456. Two Men Lead a Horse through Barger Springs, Summers County, W. Va.

A young woman holds her son up in the water. Barger Springs, also known as Greenbrier Springs, is located along the Greenbrier River.

2457. Mother and Child Swimming at Barger Springs, Summers County, W. Va.

A boy and girl share an inner tube while floating in the waters, also known as Greenbrier Springs, which is located off of the Greenbrier River. Subjects unidentified.

2458. Children Swimming in Barger Springs, Summers County, W. Va.

An unidentified boy sits on top of a set of logs which is stacked on top of a truck.

2459. Boy Sitting on Truck Load of Logs near Barger Springs, Summers County, W. Va.

Mrs. Ro. Murrell and another woman walk down a dirt road.

2460. Mrs. Ro. Murrell and Friend, Summers County, W. Va.