Search Results

277. Dr. Strickler Residence, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

View of man on sidewalk and man, woman, and child on steps of Benson's Restaurant.  Signs read 'Pop on ice, soda water, & ice cream. The Terra Alta Candy Co's Ice Cream for sale here'

278. Benson's Restaurant, Terra Alta, Preston County, W. Va.

279. Picnic Group at Lake Terra Alta, Preston County, W. Va.

280. Price Street, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

The word 'WELSH' appears at the bottom right.

281. Blacksmith, Preston County, W. Va.

282. Kingwood National Bank Building, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

283. Fourth of July Parade, Terra Alta, Preston County, W. Va.

284. Fourth of July Parade, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

285. Landscape View Near Masontown, Preston County, W. Va.

View of building on Main Street with man sitting on steps.

286. Main Street, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Signs say:  'God bless our children's day', 'Welcome to all'.

287. Children's Day in Pleasant Valley and Opossum Hollow, Preston County, W. Va.

288. Cranesville Knob, Preston County, W. Va.