Search Results

301. Wood Panel

302. Lumber Yard Crew at Work

303. Snowy Creek, Crellin, MD

304. Train Wreck on Chaffey's Log Road

'He was a Band Mill Saw filer. One of the best. Trained by W. B. Martin of Parson, W. Va.'

305. Portrait of Walter S. Bullivant, Elkins, W. Va.

306. Portrait of Troy E. Hardman, Elkins, W. Va.

307. View of a Train on a Railroad Track

308. Portrait of Joe M. Woodford, Elkins, W. Va.

'Mr. Moore worked as Lumber Inspector for M. M. and D. D. Brown and then for D. D. Brown for 14 1/2 years or until his one good eye got where he could not see the defects and he had to give up inspecting. His was a friendship that lasted until the end. He used to ride around with me just for company when I visited the mills after he retired. A fine character was J. D.- D. D. Brown'

309. Portrait of J. D. Moore and Wife

310. Portrait of a Man

311. View of Logging Mill

312. Group of People Standing in Front of the General Store in Mabie, W. Va.