Search Results

325. View of a Railroad Track at a Logging Operation

326. Babcock Lumber Company, Davis, W. Va.

327. Driving Logs on Blackwater River, W. Va.

328. View of Logging Equipment

329. Portrait of a Group of Men at the Methodist Laymen, Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

330. Tannery Lumber Company, Davis, W. Va.

331. View of Building in a Logging Operation

332. View of a Logging Mill

333. View of an Engine Wreck

'Bob Wymer (back towards camera) One of the last teams used on Cheat Mountain.'

334. L. O. G. Mower Log Landing Dump Plaform, Cass, W. Va.

D. D. Brown is second from back in engine window in this photo.

335. Sunday at Montes

336. Logging Scene at Cass, Pocahontas County, W. Va.