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Blanche Lazzell from Maidsville, West Virginia, poses in her graduation dress, holding a diploma.

25. Graduate Blanche Lazzell of West Virginia Conference Seminary, Buckhannon, W. Va.

Blanche Lazzell sits in her family's living room with a few of her paintings. The painting on the floor, far left is E. Moore Hall and Stewart Hall on the West Virginia University campus.

26. Artist Blanche Lazzell and Her Paintings, Morgantown, W. Va.

Left group: Stella Elliott ("Ma Steller Ruggles"); Lotta Kump, ("Little Larry Ruggles"); Blanche Lazzelle ("Susan Ruggles"). Right group: Della Haymond ("Aunt Deller Ruggles"); May Ruffin ("Kat Ruggles"); Virginia Rider ("Sarah Mand Ruggles"); Flora Sanders ("Peora Ruggles")

27. 'Ruggles Family', West Virginia Conference Seminary, Buckhannon, W. Va.

Only the outside walls of the main building of the West Virginia Conference Seminary (later West Virginia Wesleyan College) remain after a fire.

28. Fire Destroys Main Building, West Virginia Conference Seminary, Buckhannon, W. Va.

People hurry by as the Seminary's main building is destroyed by fire.

29. Main Building Engulfed in Flames, West Virginia Conference Seminary, Buckhannon, W. Va.

Spectators watch as the main building of the Seminary is destroyed by fire.

30. Main Building of West Virginia Conference Seminary Engulfed in Flames and Smoke, Buckhannon, W. Va.

After graduating from West Virginia University in 1905, Blanche Lazzell was employed for three years by L. E. Friend, the creator of this photograph.

31. Portrait of Artist Blanche Lazzell of Maidsville, W. Va.

Included in photograph: Clara Burrel; Anna Long; Laura Lewis; Pere Miller; Ethel Reynolds; Isa Neal; Minnie Goff; Cattie Cutts; Mabel Reynolds; Emma Ward; Amanda Phillips; Ada Halstead; Blanche Lazzelle;

32. Girls of Baptist Hall, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

Inscribed on the back of the photograph, "The lads took the new lasses and the old lasses were left to mourn." Listed in the photograph: Sicely Wilson; Osa Lawson; Gertrude Wheeler; Blanche Lazzelle; Eirlah Davis' Mabel Wiant; Sadie Donley.

33. 'The Seven Widows', Excelsior and Crestomathean Halls, West Virginia Conference Seminary, Buckhannon, W. Va.