Search Results

Small boy wearing his best suit of clothes, including a cap.

25. Dapperly Dressed Young Billy, Lewis County, W. Va.

26. Unidentified Little Girl, Lewis County, W. Va.

Left to right: Tanya Burt, Beverly Morris, Miriam Ashland, Sandy Spencer, Annabel Day, Beckie Bibbee, Sandy Price, Cheryl Carten, Kay Lawson, Judy Coyne, and Juanita Harper

27. Washington Irving Marching Band at Hite Field, Clarksburg, W. Va.

Miss Dorothy Wright, Sponsor. Chaperones- Mrs. Alvah Rule and Mrs. Robert Weiner. Third row: Judy Capehart, Don Wyant, Nina Meredith, Gary Weiner, Phil Kyle, George Cinci, Richard Eschenmann, Phil Wygal, Betty Rule, Penny Capehart (?). Second row: (?), Greg Jaranko, Dan Pettrey, Amy Selby (?), Steve Chapnick, Nancy Custer (?), (?), (?). First row: (?)

28. Morgan Grade School, Third Grade, Washington, D.C. Field Trip

29. Gary Weiner of Clarksburg, Harrison County, W. Va.

None of the women are identified.

30. Jewish Temple, Clarksburg, W. Va.

Seven of Stonewall Jackson's great-great grandchildren in his pew in the Lexington Presbyterian Church [where Jackson worshiped for almost ten years before leaving to serve the Confederacy in the Civil War]. The children holding a photo of the Clarksburg (West Virginia) Statue of General Jackson, are L to R: Julia (Julie) Christian, Mary Elizabeth Christian, Thomas Jonathan Jackson Christian III, Virginia Choate, Warren Christian, James Choate, William Jackson (Jack) Christian.  Color photo by Rev. William Edmund Christian II, great grandson of Stonewall Jackson.

31. Seven of General Stonewall Jackson's Great-Great Grandchildren, Lexington, Va.

32. Jennie Robinson

33. Ben Robinson

34. Jennie Robinson

35. B.F. Robinson

36. F.A. Robinson, Clarksburg, W. Va.