Search Results

A dapperly dressed man in a suit and top hat.

25. Unidentified Young Man, Morgantown, W. Va.

26. Portrait of Unidentified Female, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Young lady, probably of teen age.

27. Portrait of Unidentified Girl, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Young man with styled hair wearing a suit and bow tie.

28. Unidentified Young Man, Morgantown, W. Va.

He was a gospel singer, known as the "Sweet Singer of Methodism."

29. Ira D. Sankey from Edinburgh, Pa.

30. Portrait of Unidentified Young Man, Fairmont, W. Va.

A young woman wearing curls and a with a high collar. Inscription on front and back, "Compliments of Nora V. Kauntz".

31. Portrait of Nora V. Kauntz

Two young girls (probably 8 or 9 years old). They both have their hair pinned back and are wearing long dresses below the knee dresses in the fashion of the day for children.

32. Portrait of Two Unidentified Young Girls

Four young women all wearing long, high collared dresses.

33. Portrait of Unidentified Young Women

Postcard photograph of an unidentified woman holding an infant in her lap.

34. Probably Mother and Child

Only identified subject is Great Aunt Mary Burchinal,1st on the left. Large mounted prints such as this are called cabinet cards.

35. Group Portrait of Burchinal Family Members, Uniontown, Pa.

Unidentified young boy in a suit with a very ruffled collar. Large mounted prints such as this are called cabinet cards.

36. Portrait of Young Boy, Grafton, W. Va.