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Rush Holt stands with other candidates during a campaign rally.

25. Rush Holt With Other Candidates in W. Va.

United States Senator Rush D. Holt from Weston, West Virginia, pauses while working at his desk.

26. Senator Rush D. Holt Working in Office, Washington, D. C.

Senator Holt holds up a post that reads "Youth and Democracy Rally"  and advertises Holt as the guest speaker.

27. United States Senator Holt Holds Poster, Washington, D. C.

Back of photograph reads: "Olivia de Havilland, film star here for the Washington premiere of "Gone With The Wind", pays a visit to the capitol. Where she was met by four bachelor Senators. Left to right are: Sen. Joe Guffey, Sen. Theodore Green, Sen. Richard Russell, and Rush D. Holt.

28. Star and Solons, Washington, D.C.

Inscription on back of cabinet card reads: "Your agnostic friend M.S. Holt. "Christmas" 1885".  Dr. Holt was the father of U. S. Senator Rush D. Holt.

29. Dr. Matthew S. Holt, Editor of Republican from Lewis County, W. Va.

People pictured from left to right.

30. Senator Rush D. Holt, His Father Dr. Matthew Samuel Holt, and John D. Bermalt of Ashtabula, OH.

People pictured from left to right.

31. Senator Rush D. Holt, His Father Dr. Matthew Samuel Holt, and John D. Bermalt of Ashtabula, OH.

32. Rush D. Holt Sitting on Porch With Dog

Father: Matthew Holt, Mother: Chilela Holt, Jane (front center), Andrew (back left), Rush, Matthew, Charles, Margaret (front right)

33. Rush Holt and Family in Backyard

Birthplace of Rush D. Holt.

34. Rear View of Home of Dr. Matthew Samuel Holt and Chilela Holt, 252 Main Ave. Weston, W. Va.

The Holt family gathered in front of their Christmas tree.

35. Senator Rush D. Holt and Wife Helen Holt With Their Children, Helen Jane and Rush Jr.

36. W. Va. Senator Rush D. Holt With Dog on Lap at Typewriter