Search Results
- 044822
- Title:
- Former Slave Liza, Daughter of Robert Peterson, Possibly Near Morgantown, W. Va.
- Description:
- She was a slave at the time of Mr. Walter Mestrezst's boyhood, who was the first West Virginia University Band Director. (From postcard collection legacy system--subject.)
- 049772
- Title:
- Coralie Franklin Cook, Storer College Alum
- Description:
- Coralie Franklin Cook (1861-1942) was born into slavery and eventually became the first descendant of a Monticello slave known to have graduated from college. She graduated from Storer College in Harpers Ferry, W.Va. in 1880. She later taught elocution and English at the college and then taught at Howard University. Cook was also known for her activities relating to the Civil Rights Movement.
- 054429
- Title:
- Booker T. Washington National Monument
- Date:
- September 18, 2000
- Description:
- Slave reenactor at Booker T. Washington National Monument
- 054430
- Title:
- Levi Coffin House
- Date:
- undated
- Description:
- The Levi Coffin House (1839) was a safe haven for Africans-American slaves fleeing the South in the 1800s.