Search Results
- 035004
- Title:
- Blackwater Falls, Davis, W. Va.
- Description:
- Postcard photograph.
- 035005
- Title:
- Mr. Chaffey, C. D. Poling and Mr. Williams, Tucker County, W. Va.
- Description:
- Postcard photograph of three men sitting on a log.
- 035006
- Title:
- 'Wood Scene, R. Chaffey', Hauling Felled Trees, Tucker County, W. Va.
- Date:
- undated
- Description:
- Postcard photograph includes three teams of horses pulling felled trees and a small child (unidentified) mounted on one team horse.
- 035007
- Title:
- Horton Mill of Spears Lumber Company, Randolph County, W. Va.
- Description:
- ' View looking northwest down Gandy Creek with Horton Mill of Spears Lumber in foreground. High point at extreme rear is a peak of Rich Mountains (Haines Knob? or Gregg Knob?) Mostly formed by Mauch Chunk. Slope at left is mostly Greenbrier and Pocono but mill site and slope at right are Catskill.'
- 035008
- Title:
- Black Fork River, Hambleton, W. Va.
- Description:
- Postcard photograph from an elevated view of the Black Fork River as it flows through the town of Hambleton in Tucker County. Information included on the photograph, " Sold by O. C. M. Co. Drug Dpt.".
- 035009
- Title:
- Elklick Lumber Company's Mill, Hambleton, W. Va.
- Description:
- Postcard photograph, information on the photograph includes, "Sold by C. M. Co. Drug DPT."
- 035010
- Title:
- Black Fork River Showing O. C. B. & Lumber Company's Mill, Hambleton, W. Va.
- Description:
- Postcard photograph, information on the photograph includes, " Sold by O. C. M. Co., Drug DPT".
- 035011
- Title:
- O. C. B. & Lumber Company's Mill, Hambleton, W. Va.
- Description:
- Postcard photograph, several railroad box cars belonging to the Pennsylvania Anchor Line, in the foreground.
- 035012
- Title:
- Pulp Mill at Davis, W. Va.
- Description:
- Postcard photograph
- 035013
- Title:
- Kindling Wood Factory, Davis, W. Va.
- Description:
- Postcard photograph.
- 035014
- Title:
- Blackwater Falls, Davis, W. Va.
- 035015
- Title:
- Blackwater Falls, Davis, W. Va.