Search Results

433. Oak Park Band, Masontown, Preston County, W. Va.

434. Brown, J. Slidell of Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

435. Guy W. Born, Mrs. Richard Wolfe, Robert C. Halibritter, Paul Leaslie and Richard Wolfe, Preston County, W. Va.

436. Kingwood Stage Chapter National Honor Society, Preston County, W. Va.

Two unidentified men.

437. Officials in Charge of Starting Mountaintop Vacationland, Terra Alta, Preston County. W. Va.

June Wedding.

438. Airman and Mrs. Clyde D. Sypolt, Preston County, W. Va.

439. Rowlesburg Boy Scouts Tobogganing near Davis, Preston County, W. Va.

440. Betsy Mahaffey with Horse Nightmare, Grafton Horse Show Winner, Terra Alta, Preston County, W. Va.

McKilroy Minear and son, Clinton Thomas Menear.

441. Minear, Ephriam McKilroy and son, Clinton Thomas, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Two unidentified women with a sign that reads; "Sabin Oral Sundays, Oct. 6th, Nov. 10th, Dec. 15th.  Time:2:00-4:00p.m.  Eleven locations, your nearest community building.  Sponsored by; Preston County Medical Society and Preston County National Foundation."

442. Sabin Oral Polio Vaccine Sundays, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Pictured left to right; Anne Sharpe, Betty Pokrywka, Patty Sullivan, Mrs. J.E. Spafford, MaryEllen Martin and Margie Spear around a cannon.

443. Anne Sharpe, Betty Pokrywka, Patty Sullivan, Mrs. J.E. Spafford, Mary Ellen Martin and Margie Spear, Preston County, W. Va.

444. Nurses Handing out Oral Polio Vaccine, Preston County, W. Va.